Explore Core Values and Intuitive Living
Core values and beliefs inform your thoughts, decisions, and actions and help you align your life path to what's important to you. They're the essential foundation in finding your life purpose, because they remind us of who we truly are. If we understand our core values, we can choose activities to engage in that will provide us with meaning and have more client centered goals.
When you’ve established your core values, you can begin to choose a variety of activities that will be fulfilling. You can learn to live intuitively by choosing which activity you want to engage in and how you want to spend your time in the moment.
Occupational Therapy can guide you with intuitive engagement in occupations. It will provide you with a tool box of fulfilling activities to pull from in any moment. Intuitive living is not designed to give you a balanced lifestyle but rather to understand what your mind, body, and soul truly need in that particular moment and choose an activity to fill your time with that aligns with your core values.